Vsync Patch Touhou 13

Touhou Vpatch

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Jump to Vsync Patches - The ability to increase the game speed above 60fps but not decrease it ; Optional MoF MarisaB 3.xx power fix Icon th13.png.

vsync patch touhou 13

LYX, also known as LYX-TEST エルワイエックス-テスト and 迪拉克之海, is a Chinese Touhou player active since 2004, who has extensively played every.

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I m running some of the Touhou games on my arcade cabinet that I built.  I have a 25 CRT TV hooked up via Svideo.  When I run the games and go into the options menu and change it to fullscreen my screen goes black.  I then downloaded the vpatch and set the resolution to 800x600 and ran the game via the vpatch and everything worked the game runs fullscreen.  Is there a way for me to use vpatch to launch the other Touhou games that dont have a vpatch made for them.  For example TH10.5 or TH7.5.  The vpatch.exe lets me run these games at fullscreen.  I searched online to see if anyone had a vpatch for these and I couldnt find anything.  Does anyone have any suggestions.

I do not believe the fighting games have any reports of input lag, rendering a vsynch patch useless. All Windows games have a vsynch patch, and any lag in the PC-98 games can be manually handled via the emulator options.

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Well the only need for a vsync patch for the fighting games is that for some reason if I run the vpatch program and set the resolution in the. ini file to 800x600 I m able to play the game fullscreen.  If I go into the game options and change it to fullscreen my screen goes black.  So basically I just need this patch to run the game in fullscreen mode or I guess it basically tells the program to run in 800x600 resolution.

S-Video is standard definition analog video, so technically it s only 640x480 before it s converted from digital to analog.  You might want to try working with that resolution instead.

I m running a hyperspin front end for my arcade cabinet.  Everything seems to run fine at 800x600.  Is the vpatch.exe program open source or available to tweak it.  I mainly want to use it as a launcher I guess.  Why would running vpatch with the. ini set to 800x600 work and setting the game to fullscreen in the games config screen not work.  Do the Touhou programs not know how to handles resolution.  I m sure if I had a computer monitor instead of using a TV I wouldnt be having this issue

The point is, those game should just work at that resolution.  You don t need any vpatch for them to work at that resolution anyway, they should just work at the settings you give them.  If your game configuration is sane see:  custom.exe and config.ini/configex123.ini The whole point of having a vsync patch is to synchronize the input loops of certain Touhou games with your monitor s vertical sync signal, which ll help with certain input lag issues.  The other games don t need this.  It sounds to me like something else is interfering here, perhaps the way you re setting them up with your arcade frontend.

I understand why the vsync patch is needed.  But for some reason when I set the resolution to 800x600 in the vpatch.ini file it will run the game fine in fullscreen mode.  When I goto the games options and change it to be fullscreen mode my screen goes black.  I can play the game fine windowed its just when I make it go fullscreen everything goes dark.  Its really strange.

No, you guys aren t understanding the guy s problem. He doesn t need an input lag fix for the fighters. What he wants is something that scales the screen so he can play it fullscreen on his TV. Vpatch happens to do this, but obviously there are none for the fighters.

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What he wants is something that scales the screen so he can play it fullscreen on his TV. I understand what he s saying.  And anyway, trying to upscale the game only to output it to a TV is completely unnecessary.  You re just scaling the 640x480 game to 800x600, then scaling it back down to 486 lines of resolution.  It s like trying decompress a crappy mp3 to a wave file, only to recompress it to something else at a high bitrate.  You re not just making what you had unnecessarily bigger, but you re losing quality and CPU resources in the process.

Also, using an S-Video cable doesn t give you higher resolution, it just means you re not combining all the different signals together like you would with a composite video cable.  So it s clearer but still standard NTSC resolution.

If you were outputting to a computer monitor I d understand scaling the picture up, but not for a standard NTSC TV monitor.

Just set the game and HyperSpin to 640x480.  Doing anything else will be totally unnecessary.

Sorry, I forgot that the games do only 640x480 in fullscreen, ahahaa.

Last Edit: November 22, 2010, :28 am by Momiji

I guess is there a program that I can use to resize the game.  I tried setting my resolution to 640x480 and I dont have that option.  I have 800x600 or 1024x768.  I may just have to live with playing those games windowed while using the vpatch to play the other ones at fullscreen. 

I have a 6800 Nvidia card if that helps.  I have the latest nvidia drivers.  If go into the nvidia card properties I can change the resolution to 640x480 but then my screen goes black so I guess my TV has an issue with this resolution. 

I m just trying to figure out why the vpatch resizing works and not the games fullscreen.  frustrating to figure out video issues.

Thank you for your help Momiji

Last Edit: November 22, 2010, :35 pm by jradams76

Your TV isn t getting any different resolution, it s still NTSC.  Your videocard is just scaling down your desktop to NTSC resolution.

It sounds like your videocard drivers may have an issue with converting 640x480 to NTSC, you might want to try downgrading until it works again.

Ive tried a couple older nvidia drivers and its still not working does anyone have a version number that I should try.  Or a window resizer tool that might work.

Download Sizer. Free, easy, it works.Download Sizer. Free, easy, it works.Download Sizer. Free, easy, it works.

Hey guys.. I hope this will be the correct topic to question this.

I m Trying to use the vpatch with the EoSD but it doesn t work.  I put the vpatch.ini and vpatch.exe inside EoSD s folder, and the EoSD s DLL file too. Then I change the th06e.exe name s file to 東方紅魔郷.exe and run the patch.

I have tried this with 2 PCs, one with Windows 7 and the other with Windows XP and I have this error in both:

Last Edit: May 27, 2011, :13 am by helvetica

Is the computer in a Japanese locale, or are you using AppLocale. If not, then that s your problem. EoSD vsync patch, because of it s exe name, needs you to have Japanese support running. An alternate solution, if you are currently running it in English locale, is to name the EoSD exe:

That name will make it work in English locale. Note that the quote at the beginning IS a part of the name. You can always see this name yourself if you mess with custom.exe. not the english one That will make Œ û g–. cfg in your EoSD directory, and you can see the name from there.

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